Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dartol's Rod of Transformation

Dartol's Rod of Transformation---- This item will transform you into a Furbolg for 3 minutes (3x the cooldown). You can see your equipped weapon if you attack a mob but any damage taken causes you to lose the Furbolg buff. Unfortunately, there is no animation for many of the /emotes including /dance Dartol's Rod of Transformation is item You will receive:to do a Alliance quest chain call Raene's Cleansing Start from Shael'dryn in Ashenvale the Dartol's Rod of Transformation will be give to you in part 6 in the chain Many players do the quest without finishing it just to keep this awesome rod. If you want to keep it and not have the quest sitting there in your quest list just don't accept the next stage of the quest at the shrine when you receive this. If you do decide you want to finish the quest later you can always go back to the shirne and pick it back up. For All Info on this Item go to a


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